Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Closed Circuit Gallery

This week Joel, Dave and I hung our Closed Circuit gallery on the 11th floor at school also known as the Student Lounge. We hung our paintings as well as those of a few fellow students who didn't have thier paintings make the cut into the Spring show at school. our thinking was, "well why not show our hard work anyway" and approached the head of student services and set it up.
Last year the students who didn't get in the spring show held their version of Salon des Refusés. But we decided we didn't want it to be a bitter bee negative thing, but a positive endeavor to encourage and show other students what we have been working on.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Framed and rejected

I just wanted to post up my finished portrait painting of Chuck. I submitted this to the last juried exhibition in our student gallery at PAFA but, sadly it was rejected. Mike and I have decided to organize a show in our student lounge on the 11th floor to showcase all of the rejections from that show... because we think Chuck is beautiful...even if the judges don't.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Meeting 10

Today was our 10th meeting of the DPC, but it was lightly attended, only Will and myself painted. Chuck my buddy from next door and our model for our previous weeks portrait painting stopped by for Pizza. Since time was short and Will and I figured we'd set up a simple still life for this evenings painting. We'll set a longer still life next week when the rest of the DPC would returns to our illustrious club. Above is my painting of the three apple still life and is roughly 3 hours of work. 11 x 14 on canvas.
Here is a shot of will painting the same still life and below is his final painting of the night.

I am also happy to announce that three of the DPC got paintings accepted into the Philadelphia Sketch Club's annual Art of the Flower competition. Congratulation's to Dave, Will and Christina! All of the paintings were almost hanging together.